Turning Tricks
Friday, July 1, 2011
I can imagine being a baby can get pretty frustrating. You can't explain (in words) what you want or don't want, you can't move around as freely as you would like, and in my kid's case, you can't even sleep without big brother mother watching you.
The video monitor. God's gift to Jewish over-bearing mothers.
I take this thing everywhere I go. I hold it outside while sunbathing, set it up at Grandma & Grandpa's house,
Come on JulieSue. We're talking about a 20 pound baby who can't crawl or walk. Confined to a crib. In a home where every noise is audible. Nothing can happen.
Is a video monitor really necessary?
Heck yeah it is!
Ari has learned a new skill. He can sit up on his tushie from the crawling position. This may not sound like rocket science, but to him, it's a cool new trick. He practices it all day. And now, all night. The catch? He gets stuck in the sitting-up position at night. And cries.
Last night, this happened 3 times. When I decided I would not go in and lay him down, (he would have to learn to do this on his own) he hollered in a language only I can understand, "Mom, if you're not gonna help me out, I'm just gonna sleep with my head in my lap!"
He showed me.
But alas, I moved him. Poor little guy would have had a stiff neck in the morning!
Morning came, no stiff neck. But probably time to remove the mobile.
I'm sure he'll have more tricks in the coming days, months, and years. And nothing will get by me. I'll be monitoring him til he's 18.

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