Jamaican me crazy
Friday, November 4, 2011
Our one-day-a-week nanny Dee recently became my Facebook friend. Remember Dee? She's how I know Ari isn't colorblind. (And she's the reason he loves Oprah.)
This post is in honor of her. I hope she doesn't quit.
Let's call this...
Sh*t Dee Says:
DEE: "Good morning Harry." "Come here Harry." "Do you want breakfast Harry?"
ME: (to myself) Who the F is Harry? My kid's name is Ari. Ah-reeeee. You're going to give him an identity complex.
DEE: "I ordered shoes on eels.com"
Me: Where?
DEE: "Eels.com"
Me: What?
DEE: "Eels.com"
ME: How do you spell that?
DEE: "H-e-e-l-s.com"
ME: Oh, Hhhhhhhhhh- (as breathy as possible) -eels .com.
DEE: What did you think I said?!
DEE: I'm going to get my air done alf up for alloween.
ME: Dee, this is nonsense. Hhhhair, hhhhhalf, hhhhalloween.
DEE: Didn't I tell you in Jamaica we drop the H?
ME: Um no. But...you pronounce my son's name H-arry.
DEE: Yeah mon, and we put the H where it doesn't belong!
DEE: I want new knee-high boots but my cows are too big.
ME: Excuse me?
DEE: You have big cows too.
ME: You mean my calves?
DEE: Yeah mon, but we are adult cows.
DEE: Harry must have some Spanish in him. He has a meaty bottom.
ME: He gets it from me.
DEE: Then you have Spanish in you.
ME: (to myself) (How did you know about that one night in college?)
DEE: Don't worry mon, he looks good. Especially for a white boy.
DEE: Matt has sexy legs.
ME: Matt my husband?
DEE: Yeah mon, in Jamaica we call those legs sexxxxxxy.
ME: (Why you checkin' out my husband?) You mean sexy cows?
DEE: What? You crazy!
ME (via text msg): Is Ari okay?
DEE: My baby is great
ME: (to myself) (You mean my baby? Yeah mon.)
watching Dee changing Baby J's (Dee's other job, same age as Ari) diaper.
ME: Woah!! J has a huge penis.
DEE: I know. He's hung like a black man.
DEE (via text msg): Your son just ate everything on the tray plus a waffle and a banana
ME: He's gotta maintain those thighs
DEE: He is just a big sexy guy.
DEE: When I change Harry's poopies, he touches his penis.
ME: Maybe he likes you.
DEE: Come here Harry and give me some sugar.
ME: Maybe you should go for someone your own age.
DEE: You crazy.
To my sweet eel wearing friend, thanks for taking great care of Harry. And for the record, you crazy!

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