Prick or Treat
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Ari celebrated Halloween as a:
Woopie Cushion:
(People asked how I came up with the idea for this. Duh.),
and as a Dragon:
(note the tail),
and as a...
Pumpkin? Tomato? Body-less voodoo doll?
Nope. A pin cushion.
That's right, the pediatrician did not seem to care that it was Halloween and the poor 1 year (and 2 day old) received not 1, not 2, not 3...but 4 shots in his pudgy arms. Trick or treat? Trick, obviously.
It was like a scene from Scream.
And then, after he had recovered and was happily eating an animal cracker (with little tears still fresh on his cheeks), he leaned over, grabbed my arm, and did his best Twilight impression. The dragon and woopie weren't enough for him...I guess I should have purchased a Dracula costume too.
Now, I don't think I have a biter. I think he was both mimicking and punishing me at the same time. He got "bit" 4 times and was just trying to show me what it felt like, right?
I tried to reason with him. I said, "Ari, these shots will keep you healthy and safe. I'm really sorry and I know they hurt but it's for your own benefit."
He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I gave him an extra hug and kiss and firmly said, "do not do that again."
I know what you're thinking. And sheesh. You're right. I guess it's my fault for taking him to the doctor on Halloween. I'm a first time mom! Nobody told me not to do it.
You know what, haters?
Bite me.

Lovelly blog you have
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