June 12, Day 8, Treatment day 12
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Living in the Oncology Ward at Children's Hospital is a little like being on a cruise ship. There's free room service, ice cream available 24-7, and an all-you-can-eat buffet. (And after a few days, the food all tastes the same and gives me indigestion.) Plus, there are a variety of reading and computer rooms, play spaces, and resource labs. We are offered movie nights, pizza parties, bingo, and many other themed events. But most similar to cruising, there's a calendar of daily activities and entertainment and even a cruise director (but here they are called the Child Life Specialist) to keep us and our little one active and interested.
When I cruise, I love the daily print-out of events and carry it with me throughout the day so I can stay busy. Matt and I are treating our stay here as if we're on a cruise and attempting to keep Ari engaged in as many fun activities as possible. Here's the schedule for the month:
And a close-up of today's activities:
This morning, Matt and I painted footballs (Ari was too cool for arts and crafts). Can you guess whose is whose?
After our nap, we will get our face painted and then check out the live music. And of course we will grab some snacks later to keep us going til dinner. I'm psyched for tomorrow at 11am - clowns are coming!
Now I know what you're thinking and you're right, a cruise has its drawbacks. And here too the halls are noisy and crowded, there's always a wait for the elevators, there are tons of crazy kids everywhere you go, and the bathrooms are tiny. Oh, and how did I forget? Just like on a cruise, we're trapped...
Daily update: (Clarification, we are on treatment day 12 because they count the steroid Ari was prescribed for "asthma" as the first 4 days of treatment, even though today is day 8 in the hospital. I'll take it.)
Ari's counts are steady and his lumbar puncture report from yesterday good. He's having some belly aching and we are trying to figure out the cause and then prevent pain. He may be having some nausea as well as he's become an expert puker. (Sorry roommate) We gave him a bath today because he was beginning to smell and he wasn't too happy with this decision. But, I could tell he felt better afterwards as he put on a peek-a-boo and honk-the-noses show for the nurses before falling fast asleep. He received a dose of chemo (Vincristine) earlier today and so tomorrow he may be sluggish. All in all, his attitude is positive and he does not realize he's sick. His cough is almost gone and his breathing is back to normal. He hasn't asked to go home once and seems happy walking the halls, driving his car, and playing with all of the new toys. Fingers crossed this continues!

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